Der Landrat nimmt ab sofort Vorschläge zur Verleihung der „Ehrennadel des Landkreises Börde“ entgegen. Kreis- und Regionalverbände des Landkreises…
The Börde district's violence prevention working group is launching a new prevention initiative and presenting the "Share everything?" postcard…
Der Kreiswahlausschuss des Wahlkreises 67 Börde – Salzlandkreis lässt neun Wahlkreisbewerber für die Wahl des 21. Deutschen Bundestages am 23.02.2025…
The deadline for exchanging old paper driving licences expired on 19 January 2025. This affects anyone born in 1971 or later and whose driving licence…
The Börde district cordially invites all interested pupils to Future Day 2025!
Börde district presents itself at the Green Week in Berlin from 17 to 26 January - Regional Day on 21 January 2025 as a highlight
The carol singers visited us again this year to bring the blessing "Christus mansionem benedicat - Christ bless this house" to the district.
It was with dismay, bewilderment and great sadness that we learnt on Saturday that an employee of the Börde district lost her life in the tragic…
We are deeply shocked by the attack in Magdeburg. Our thoughts are with those affected and their families at this difficult time.
Aufgrund der jüngsten Änderungen im Waffen- und Bundesjagdgesetz, die am 25. Oktober 2024 in Kraft traten, gibt es eine wichtige Neuerung bei der…
In 2024, extensive measures were once again taken in the Börde district to combat the oak processionary moth (EPS) along district roads. These pests…
All citizens who have reached the age of 18 on 23 February 2025 (expected date of the early Bundestag election) and have reached the age of 16 on 16…
Die Birkenquelle im Hohen Holz wurde über das Sofortfördeprogramm NaturWasserMensch 2024 des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt saniert. Des Weiteren wurden die…
Temperatures are gradually scratching the zero-degree mark at night. And if the weather forecasts are correct, they will fall well into the frost…
To get in the mood for the festive season, the Wolmirstedt/Haldensleben district music school presented an extraordinary concert programme that made…
Applications for admission can be submitted until 28 February 2025. The number of participants is limited to 60.
10.000 Schokoäpfel für einen guten Zweck!
The district is looking for committed and experienced hunters to strengthen the hunter examination commission. The members of the commission make a…
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To the calendar of events of the Börde district
Useful Stuff at a Glance
Personal Contact
Landkreis Börde Bornsche Str. 2 39340 Haldensleben Kronesruhe 8 39340 Haldensleben
Triftstraße 9-10 39387 Oschersleben (Bode) Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 3904 7240 0 Fax: +49 (0) 3904 490 08
Opening Hours
Tue. 8:00 - 12:00 am and 1:00 - 6:00 pm Thu. 8:00 - 12:00 am and 1:00 - 4:00 pm Fri. 8:00 - 11:30 am
Mailing Address
Landkreis Börde Postbox 10 01 53 39331 Haldensleben Germany
Contact Details, Locations and Opening Hours More Special Services