Staff unit "Education integrated

Municipal Education Management

Education is more than school

People learn throughout their lives - in daycare centers and schools, when visiting museums and concerts, in youth clubs and while doing handicrafts in the hobby cellar. These different educational opportunities require a multitude of regional actors to provide people with a rich offer. The Landkreis Börde pursues the vision of offering its citizens a holistic and lifelong learning experience and would like to promote a diverse educational landscape in cooperation with the local authorities. This includes coordination and networking between the various actors in formal, non-formal and informal education in order to further develop the district together.

The educational community project

As part of the Education Municipality project, the district administration is working together with education stakeholders on the future-oriented design of the municipal education landscape in the Börde district.

The aim of the project is to develop a joint educational mission statement and an educational concept by the end of 2025 in order to lay an important foundation for the future development of education in the Börde district.

The educational mission statement is being developed as part of the workshop series "Zukunftswerkstatt: Education!". The future workshop promotes the exchange of shared values and objectives and strengthens the networking of numerous stakeholders from different areas of life and education.

Following the conclusion of the workshop series and the publication of the educational mission statement, the educational concept is then developed. Taking into account the focus of the mission statement and the results of the workshop series, corresponding fields of action for the education concept are derived from the mission statement and underpinned with concrete strategies.

This is followed by the development of specific measures with which the strategy development will be implemented by the district administration in the short and medium term.