AWO Counseling Center for Pregnancy and Family Planning in Haldensleben
Counseling services
- Psychosocial and social counseling for pregnant women in all questions of life (§ 2 SchKG)
- Pregnancy conflict counseling (§ 219 StGB, § 5 SchKG)
- Counseling on financial assistance from the Federal Foundation Mother and Child Protection of Unborn Life and the State Foundation Family in Need
- Counseling on confidential birth
- Psychosocial counseling after abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth, and in cases of unfulfilled desire to have a child
- Sexual education and counseling on contraceptive options
- Sexual education for school classes in the Börde district
- Play and toddler group: every Wednesday from 9:30 - 11 a.m. in the sports room of the ehfa (contribution towards expenses is € 6 per quarter) - registration required
- Branch offices in Oebisfelde, Calvörde and Wolmirstedt
- We are available in person, by phone, by e-mail and by chat (messenger service Signal)
Contacts to the counseling centers:
Mehrgenerationenhaus (ehfa)
Gröperstr. 12 / 39340 Haldensleben
Landline: +49 3904 65809
Mobile: +49 175 3849318
Fax: +49 3904 499847
E-mail: ssb.hdl(at)awo-kv-magdeburg.de
Instagram: awo_pregnancy_counselling
Office hours / please make an appointment in advance
Tuesdays 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 18:00
Wednesdays 10:00 - 14:00
Thursdays 12:00 - 18:00
Mondays and Fridays: by arrangement
Branch office Wolmirstedt:
Bürgerhaus / Schlossdomäne 2, 39326 Wolmirstedt
Phone: +49 170 3023067
Office hours
every 14 days / Wednesdays 10:00 - 13:00 / in the even calendar weeks
Branch office Oebisfelde:
Lebensnah Institut / Bahnhofstr. 26a, 39646 Oebisfelde
Phone: +49 175 3849318
Office hours
every 14 days / Thursdays 09:00 to 14:00 / in the odd calendar weeks
Branch office Calvörde:
Bürgerhaus / Haldensleber Straße 21, 39359 Calvörde
Phone: +49 175 3849318
Office hours
every 14 days / Thursdays 09:00 to 14:00 / in the even calendar weeks
The pregnancy counseling centers of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) are a recognized and funded by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Health of the State of Saxony-Anhalt for pregnancy conflict counseling.
Pregnancy changes your life and raises many questions. Perhaps you would like information, advice and support. We provide counseling free of charge and, if you wish, anonymously in a neutral, confidential atmosphere and are bound by professional secrecy.
We offer you personal conversations with professionally qualified and experienced counselors who have knowledge of social assistance and competence in psychosocial counseling. Furthermore, we cooperate with doctors, clinics, midwives and other counseling centers.
DRK Kreisverband Börde e.V. Schwangerschaftsberatungsstelle Oschersleben
We offer:
- Information about legal regulations and financial aids around pregnancy and birth (e.g. maternity protection, maternity benefit, parental leave, parental allowance etc.)
- Advice and application for financial assistance through the
- Federal foundation „Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens“ (initial baby equipment)
- State foundation „Familie in Not“
- Assistance in dealing with authorities when applying for statutory social benefits (e.g. one-time allowances)
- Advice on problems related to pregnancy (conflicts with partner, parents, employer, etc.)
- Support with psychological problems, crises and relationship conflicts during pregnancy
- Counseling in the context of prenatal diagnostics (support in your decision-making and after a finding)
- Information about services offered by the DRK Family Center and direct referral ( midwife assistance, ElBA meetings/play groups, courses in baby massage and toddler gymnastics, baby and toddler swimming, first aid for children, etc.)
Are you unplanned or unintentionally pregnant? You could become an unplanned or unwanted father? You ask yourself: A child now? Another child? Do I want it? Can I do it - even alone? Or what does that mean for your partnership? Education, career and child - how do they go together? With us, you can openly discuss your questions, feelings, fears and doubts.
We are bound by confidentiality and are here for you. We provide counseling in accordance with the Pregnancy Conflict Act, §§218a, 219 StGB, if an abortion is being considered in the case of an unwanted pregnancy.
You do not need parental consent for counseling under the age of 18.
We inform about:
- General conditions for an abortion, for example the issuing of a consultation certificate.
- Social and financial aid - for example, for the first equipment with a child or for child care
- Different ways and possibilities of action
- the way to give up a child for care or adoption
- the possibilities of a confidential birth
Further offers of our pregnancy counseling center:
- Information on contraception and family planning
- Prevention offers around the topic "I - YOU - WE - grow" for school classes and kindergartens ( age-appropriate and varied group offers for children from 3 years)
- We advise you free of charge and in confidence (confidentiality) and, if you wish, anonymously.