Civil protection plays a central role in Germany's aid system for the federal, state and local governments. Civil protection always has two sides. On the one side are the authorities, on the other is the population.
The authorities ensure that essential infrastructure functions are maintained in the event of an emergency. Essentially, this involves maintaining the critical infrastructure (supply of electricity, gas or water).
Civil protection only works if people inform themselves sufficiently before an emergency situation so that they are prepared for possible failures of components of the infrastructure. This helps the authorities.
And, if nothing works in the emergency situation. The fire stations serve as so-called "lighthouses". Here, even in the event of a prolonged blackout, you can find people from whom you can get information.
For population information, the website of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance is ( is relevant. The guiding principle here is that anyone who is prepared can help themselves and their fellow human beings until rescue forces arrive. The federal government therefore recommends that all people make their own provisions for the first time in an emergency. The Landkreis Börde expressly endorses this recommendation.
Please always be prepared for possible restrictions and stock up on supplies, for example:
- Food and drink for 10 days (2 liters of liquid & 2,200 kcal per person per day).
- a general medicine cabinet & permanent medication for 10 days
- hygiene items (soap, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc.)
- for power failure (candles, matches, spare batteries, etc.)
- Radio with battery operation or crank radio (to stay informed)
Specific recommendations can be found at the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance. Please click on the following self-explanatory links.
My personal checklist / a guide for emergency preparedness and correct action in emergency situations

© Landkreis Börde / here a motor siren in Ummendorf
The explanation of the various siren signals (function test in the Landkreis Börde every Saturday 11:00 am).
Further and more comprehensive information can always be found on the pages of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance and the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food.
Here is the direct way to various topics:
Homepage Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance
Area Warning and Preparedness / Warning Means and the Right Conduct
The Federal Office - Information for children between seven and twelve years of age
Stock calculator / calculate personal stock for 1 to 28 days
Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food / information on nutritional precautions