© Landkreis Börde
Municipal education management
Digitally supported teaching in the Landkreis Börde
Learning at home during Corona
With the sudden change in school operations due to the lockdown in the spring of 2020, a spotlight was shined on the technical equipment and the development of digital-based teaching in schools. In addition to a lack of equipment and an internet connection that was too weak in some places, teachers needed to find solutions as quickly as possible that could enable learning from home for their students. Different digital options were tried and used - Moodle, Teams, Padlet, Bettermarks, learning videos and many more programs and portals. Information and assignments were delivered via the cloud, via messenger service, but also in a completely analog way for pickup at school, or were even personally dropped off at families' homes by some teachers. Despite this boost to the digitization of teaching, other key elements for school learning could only be bridged to a limited extent. For example, contact between teachers and their students was difficult in many places, and even where distance learning took place via videoconferencing, it could only compensate for learning in school to a limited extent.
Interviewing parents and teachers about digital teaching and learning during school closures
The Landkreis Börde took the situation of the school closures described above as an opportunity to conduct a survey on teaching with digital media. For this purpose, parents and teachers of all school types were surveyed from September 24 to November 11, 2020, with the help of an online questionnaire. This made it possible to collect data on the conditions and organization of lessons during the school closures, as well as the respondents' experiences and expectations regarding the future use of digital media at school.
At the end of the survey period, 969 questionnaires from parents and 91 questionnaires from teachers in the district could be evaluated.
You can view the results of the survey here.
The project "Bildungslandschaft Börde - Hier fällt Bildung auf fruchtbaren Boden" (funding code 01JL1815) is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund funded.