Departure / Voluntary return

Service description

In Germany, politically persecuted persons are entitled to recognition as persons entitled to asylum (Basic Law Art. 16a). Anyone wishing to make use of this right must undergo a recognition procedure. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) is responsible for carrying out the procedure. If this procedure is negative, the issuance of a residence title is not possible. Those who are not or no longer in possession of a required residence title or who do not have a right of residence according to the EEC/Turkey Association Agreement are obliged to leave the Federal Republic of Germany. Union citizens or their family members are obliged to leave the country if they have no right of entry and residence. Independent of the residence title, interested persons still have the possibility to return to their country of origin voluntarily. Support lines can be applied for in this regard.

Who should I contact?

Further information on departure / voluntary return can be obtained from the local foreigners registration office of the administrative districts and independent cities.

Legal basis

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