Börde County - District Administrator's Office

The district administrator heads the district administration. He is responsible for the proper execution of the tasks and the proper course of the administration and regulates the internal organization of the district administration. He is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the district. The District Administrator is the superior, supervisor and supreme service authority of the district's aldermen, civil servants, employees and workers.

The district administrator is responsible for preparing the resolutions of the district council and its committees and for their implementation. Tasks of the transferred sphere of action are carried out by the district administrator under his own responsibility.

Areas/offices belonging to the district administrator

District Administrator's Office Head: Ms. Janina Kluge

Equality Equal Opportunities and Disability Officer: Ms. Katja Klommhaus

Staff Council Chairwoman of the Staff Council: Ms. Doris Krull

Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Information Security Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Information Security Officer: Mr. Holger Marter

Office for Economy, Tourism and Culture Head of office: Mrs. Manja Wuttke

Commissioner for Strategic Business Development: Mr. Danny Schonscheck