Landrat Martin Stichnoth begrüßt die 19 Auszubildenden und Studenten des Landkreis Börde

Junior staff for the Börde district

District Administrator Martin Stichnoth welcomes 19 trainees and students. They have started their training in a total of 5 departments in the Börde district or will soon begin a dual study program.


15 trainees and 4 students started their careers in the Börde district on August 1, 2023. The junior staff began training in the district administration as administrative assistants (9), emergency paramedics (4) and road maintenance workers (2). In addition, the dual courses of study in public administration and administrative economics were filled with four students. In addition, two trainees in civil engineering will start on October 1.

District Administrator Martin Stichnoth is pleased about the motivated junior staff: "I look into expectant faces and am convinced that the Börde district with its attractive training conditions and future-oriented jobs is an ideal place to start your professional life. We need young people who enrich the district administration with expertise and ideas."

Following the welcome of the new trainees by the district administrator and the introduction to the trainers, the second and third year trainees provided first insights into the future fields of work of the junior staff. To help the "newcomers" get off to a good start, mentors from the other years of training are available to them. Together with their mentors, the trainees had the opportunity to take a tour of the administrative building in Haldensleben.

Start of applications for the 2023/2024 training year

The start of the current training year also marks the start of the application phase for an apprenticeship or degree program in 2024. As of now, interested students can apply to the Börde district.

Further information can be found here:

Training in the Börde district

Dual studies in the Börde district

Last update: 08.08.2023 13:54 Uhr