Energy refurbishment of the Wanzleben Community School Schulpromenade 9, 39167 Wanzleben, Germany

The Börde district had applied for funding for the energy-efficient refurbishment of the Wanzleben community school under the STARK III program. On January 24, 2018, Finance Minister Andrè Schröder personally handed over the funding notification to District Administrator Hans Walker. The EU is funding the project with 2,529,788.20 euros, which corresponds to 75% of the total costs. The sponsor of the Wanzleben Community School is the Börde district, while the owner is the town of Wanzleben-Börde. The school building was erected in 1974 to 1976 in assembly type school "Magdeburg". There are deficiencies at the school in the ventilation situation, drinking water and hot water treatment system as well as in the fire protection regulations.

The classrooms will be equipped with a decentralized ventilation system. The heating system will be completely renewed while retaining the existing district heating. The necessary smoke protection doors in escape and rescue routes, acoustic and sound insulation in the classrooms and in the building will be retrofitted. A photovoltaic system will be installed to provide some of the school's own electricity. In addition to the energy refurbishment, another focus is the creation of barrier-free access throughout the building. For this purpose, an elevator is planned next to the main entrance, which will have corresponding stops on all floors, with the exception of the basement. Around the 3.

In order to provide barrier-free access to the third floors of the two main wings of the building, the connectors will be raised by an additional third floor. The inner courtyard, which is open to one third, will be closed and can be used multifunctionally as an assembly hall and, if required, also as a dining hall. Implementation of the measures will begin after the necessary permits have been obtained and tenders for the planners' services have been issued. The refurbishment is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2020.

Energy refurbishment of the Kurfürst-Joachim-Friedrich-Gymnasium Schwimmbadstraße 1, 39326 Wolmirstedt

The Börde district applied for funding under the STARK III program for the energy-efficient refurbishment of the Kurfürst-Joachim-Friedrich-Gymnasium in Wolmirstedt. On January 29, 2018, Finance Minister Andrè Schröder personally handed over the funding notification to District Administrator Hans Walker. The EU is funding the project with 2,345,887.98 euros, which corresponds to 75% of the total costs. The sponsor of the Kurfürst-Joachim-Friedrich-Gymnasium is the district of Börde, which is also the owner. The school building with attached gymnasium was built in 1995 as a brick structure. There are considerable deficiencies in the window elements as well as in the boiler systems including the water heating.

The exterior doors, the windows including sun protection and the existing heating system will be renewed. Classrooms and administrative rooms of the school will be ventilated by means of decentralized ventilation systems with heat recovery. The security lighting system will be renewed. The existing lighting will be converted to energy-efficient LED lighting. A photovoltaic system will be installed. The fire alarm system is to be implemented according to the specifications of the fire protection concept. The burglar alarm system and the existing ELA system are to be adapted and, if necessary, replaced. The implementation of the measures will be started after obtaining the necessary approvals and invitations to tender for the planners' services. The refurbishment is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2020.

Energy refurbishment of Eilsleben community school, Ummendorfer Str. 9, 39363 Eilsleben

The district of Börde had applied for funding for the energy and general refurbishment of the Eilsleben Community School under the STARKIII program. On February 24, 2017, Finance Minister Andre' Schröder personally handed over the funding notice to District Administrator Hans Walker in the presence of the school management. The EU will support the project with € 2,280,251.03, which corresponds to 75% of the total costs. The two-story school building with a basement is owned by the Börde district and was built in 1953. Various individual renovation measures have already been carried out in some areas. A basic renovation of the school complex is still required in individual areas.

In accordance with the focus of the funding program, the energy-related refurbishment of the school is in the spotlight. By insulating the exterior facades and basement floor, installing energy-optimized windows and state-of-the-art heating and ventilation technologies, and even installing a photovoltaic system for the school's own use, the building will meet future-oriented energy requirements. In the course of this work, the existing security systems will also be completed and expanded. After the renovation, all common rooms will have an independent second escape route.

In addition, the entire school will be accessible barrier-free after completion of the construction work through the creation of an elevator and ramps. The existing outdoor school sports facility will be completely renovated and the schoolyard will be functionally expanded. Additional sanitary facilities will be installed in the basement area of the building. Once the necessary permits have been obtained and the planning services have been put out to tender, the first construction measures are scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2017. The construction measures can essentially be carried out during ongoing school operations. All measures are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2019.

Energy refurbishment of the Börde-Gymnasium Wanzleben gymnasium Raßbachplatz 4, 39164 Wanzleben, Germany

The Börde district had applied for funding under the STARKIII program for the energy and general refurbishment of the sports hall of the Börde-Gymnasium Wanzleben. On February 24, 2017, Finance Minister Andre' Schröder personally handed over the funding notification to District Administrator Hans Walker in the presence of the school management. The EU will support the project with 1.436.249,99€, which is 75% of the total costs. The Börde-Gymnasium is run by the district of Börde, which is also the owner of the buildings. The gymnasium belonging to the high school was built in 1993 in clinker construction. There are deficiencies in the sports hall with regard to the sanitary facilities, the ventilation situation and the drinking water system. There are also various deficiencies in the hall's MSR technology. The existing ventilation systems of the hall area as well as the changing room area are to be replaced by optimized ventilation systems with heat recovery.

At present, heating is provided by ceiling air heaters in recirculation mode. Heating is to be provided by a radiant panel heating system after the renovation work. In the course of installing the radiant heating system, the existing insulation to the cold roof area is to be renewed in accordance with the currently applicable legal regulations. Further savings potential can be tapped by renewing the existing MSR technology.

The water heating system will be equipped with a solar thermal system to increase efficiency. The existing lighting will be replaced with energy-efficient LED lighting. The sanitary facilities in the locker room and all other areas will be renewed to the state of the art, including the piping system. Implementation of the measures will begin after the necessary permits have been obtained and the planners' services have been put out to tender. The aim is to complete most of the construction work by the end of 2018.